Thursday, July 5, 2012

Juxtaposing My Clouded Mind With My Vibrant Heart.

     Imagine, if you will, a moment in time where you find yourself teeming with excitement and displeasure, all at the same time. Its as if an anvil came off the top of the Empire State Building, came speeding down and you're bracing a large impact, only to see it hit the ground softly and bounce off of it and lands upright. Yeah I have no idea what the heck I'm talking about also haha

     Yesterday, I got together with some friends of mine: Adrian and Mike they're aptly named, and we began talking about ideas and potential projects for short films, web shorts and whatever else that could fill the cracks. But as we began to start building up some fluid conversation, I began to notice something very interesting about it all: I was starting to see the flaws that have inhabited my body for so long. This is what I noticed in simple, non entertaining bullets (arranged as a courtesy by Blogger lol):
  • I was conjuring up far too many ideas.
  • My lack of focus on one singular thing wasn't allowing me to give the attention a particularly good idea deserved.
  • Allowing others equal time to give their say, or talking over people basically.
     So this was my dilemma essentially, that I wasn't giving my friends, and now my group partners, their say in what ideas or thoughts they had in mind. This is a problem that CAN be corrected, so with that in mind I have strategically put together with the help of some amazing orange gourmet soda:

  • Jot down as many words as I can on paper that's in relation to fish.
  • When brings up a great idea and I want to add to that immediately, before he even finishes the first word, non-chalantly put my fingers on top of my lips as if I'm merely observing.
  • And finally, SHUT THE F*CK UP and let other people talk!!!
     So that's pretty much summing up my issues with last night, but I also understand we all have our own faults and flaws to address. But it doesn't mean those very flaws can also be molded, with the right tools, into great strengths as is. Being mindful of myself around others has always been problem for me, but I've gotten a lot better over the years. I just know that I'm progressing and that at some point, I will be right where I want to be with everything I need. We're down to do some exciting things, that's all I can really say.

     I leave you with this to think about.....

  • Oranges are actually white when they're born, they just use bronzer and they end up like Cheetos.

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