Monday, September 17, 2012

Sulking Has An Expiration Date, Positivity Always Stays Fresh.

I haven't blogged for quite some time so it was imperative that I come back with a vengeance in ways. I write now because something happened to me today, something that has made me completely change I want to do things from this point forward.

I'm done being stressed.

Today I was hit with the realization that some of the goals I had set out for this year may not get accomplished. But is that really a bad thing? As if it was supposed to be some sort of requirement to carry on with my life? Not at all, I would think that all shall be well and good, and I can continue on with no regrets that I didn't get everything completely done.

I set out a goal two years ago to get myself into a state of improved health. I accomplished that and continue to do so, a tribute to hard work, dedication and a belief that nothing is impossible. And that has brought me to this point today....

Today I was unsatisfied with how some things had transpired in the previous weeks and that led me to a trip to the bank today to deposit money via Drive-Thru. I had a terrible attitude from the get-go, not being responsive to the teller asking me how I was doing today. She was just being polite, in fact she may very well had been someone who is very bright and was having a great day herself. Of course that mean't nothing to me at the time when I didn't say a single word to her as she went about completing my transaction.

As the transaction came to a close, she kindly apologized to me for the wait she claimed I had endured (I had only waited for a few minutes, nothing NEAR significant), but I had been entrenched in my sulking of the most trivial of things that I didn't acknowledge her as I got my receipt from the container and just drove away.

As I started driving away, I had realized something: Because certain things had not been going my way, I had allowed my emotions and demeanor to affect me in the way that I normally communicate with others. I had become transparent to even the kindest of words that I was disgusted with myself. Why should I be the only one that has a bad day? In fact, why should it be that when I have a bad day that I not only show it to everyone by my body language but also show by a lack of verbal communication? I had lost myself in that tiny instant, because I knew that I had come so far, worked so hard, to let certain events that have occurred within the last few weeks to change the very fabric of who I am as a person.

It was the perspective I constantly exercise in my life regarding others in the world who are dealing with far worse than I that lead me to do something about all of this. So as I was driving I decided to turn around, and I headed back to the bank. I drove back to the drive thru window and spoke with the same teller I had just seen. She had asked me if something was wrong with the transaction, and I told her everything was fine. However...

I apologized to her for being rude and non-responsive when she was simply doing her job. I also told her that even though I was having hard time earlier today, that was no excuse for me to be rude and disrespectful. She told me afterwards that it was very kind and sweet of me to do what I did. She was very happy for that and made her day even more because of what I did. I was happy myself because I righted a wrong. That's not who I am: Rude and disrespectful. I know who I am: Happy, positive, funny and most importantly, respectful. I wished her a good rest of her day and I drove away.

You see, it's not the end of the world if some things you had set out to accomplish didn't go exactly your way to begin with. In fact, it could just be a delay or speed bump. It doesn't completely de-rail you, it just reinforces what you've set out to accomplish. We all have time to do what we've set out to do, but its all about being positive. It's being positive that's helped me redefine my efforts to accomplish my dreams. It's being positive that's helped me gain a wealth of new friends that genuinely care and anticipate seeing me succeed.

In the grand scheme of all things, we should really try to help one another. It doesn't mean to do anything big, because small gestures make big impressions. I want to continue to be who I've wanted to set out in being throughout this transformation. Just wanted to share my experience today and I hope that if anyone reads this, it will make them feel a lot better and remind them things do get better and WILL get better if you keep fighting and working hard for what you want out of life.

I leave you with this to think about.......

If you can walk backwards, talk backwards, and write backwards: Can you think backwards?

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