Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Journey of a Dreamer (Part II)

So I think it's fair at this point to make an assessment of my time living in San Francisco, which also has a more distinguished nickname, "The City": The people in this town are very friendly but also very driven. Everyone has somewhere to go, to do something, and less time thinking about it. You can see it in their pace of walking, or running for that matter. Innovative ideas seem to be stemming from the even simplest of places, boundless hotbeds of ingenuity at its finest.

At first I always noticed the tourists in the city and then did my own thing. But as time has gone on, they become yet another thread in this diverse and colorful quilt of a town. I've examined the different cultures of every neighborhood from all the walking that I've been doing. Every one of them has a certain trait that gives them a somewhat definitive "edge" over another, yet all works in clear harmony. That's the beauty of this city, there is indeed competition but its more friendly and in the sense that overall, everyone wins.

I'm happy to say that my school situation has finally been sorted out by enrolling into Academy of Art University, which is right in the heart of San Francisco. Its just one small step towards the ultimate goal of being the YOUNGEST director to win an Academy Award. So I'm crazy, along with my dreams...but hey, that's how I've gotten to this point. I didn't waver to anything because I knew I couldn't stand the fact of being complacent back home working a regular job at a grocery store or something similar to that for perhaps the rest of my life. I'm better than that (no pun intended) and intend on doing just that.

Just the other day, I took my daily walk to the Golden Gate Bridge. Hell of a walk really, but a walk I wanted to undertake. Just as I arrived to the starting point of walking the bridge, I encountered a sense of pride from other people around me. The type of pride one exudes from something being accomplished. I too started to exude the same pride along with the others: Prideful of where I have been and where I am....the countless days of doubt on whether or not I could see this dream of mine become a reality. I saw the bridge in front of me and from there, I sensed the opportunity, that the opportunity was there for the taking. But it was up to me to make it all happen, and I'm okay with that.

Let's just hope that I devour every one of them, because I am starving.

Peace and Kelp.

-Paulus Singletary

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Journey of a Dreamer (Part I)

A couple of days ago, I finally set out on accomplishing the dreams I have had in my mind for many years now. I embarked on a adventure where I would see myself moving from Orlando, Florida all the way to San Francisco, California. It's quite an intimidating thing when I've taken time to think about it: Moving with little to no money, no initial place to stay but a hostel for the time being. The only plus I have from this was the fact that I was able to secure a job before I ever came into the city.

So here I am, I land in San Francisco International Airport. The air so clean. The vibe in this part of the country is one that I've wanted to be a part of for so long. The culture here is one that oozes creativity and positivity, two things I bring to the table without a question. The people here are very friendly, most of which working professionals, who are set on enjoying the day rather than the day passing by.

I think that's the problem with most people nowadays, that the day can sometimes be a burden for them and they resort to doing whatever they can to satiate the hours of one day. I'm enjoying where I am right now despite the circumstances and I'm grateful to be where I am right now. Not many people can say they've done what I'm trying to do right now. But of course, this is no competition for me, this is a marathon that I must pace myself for and stay on track.

My intent is to write my blogs about the adventures I have here in San Francisco every day for people to know what it's like to be poor in the city and be able to succeed here. It's all about being positive and driven, that's gotten the most successful people to where they are today and I shall do the same for myself. Let this be a reminder for everyone: It's not about HOW you got there, it's only about the fact that you DID get there.

Peace and Kelp.

-Paulus Singletary

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sulking Has An Expiration Date, Positivity Always Stays Fresh.

I haven't blogged for quite some time so it was imperative that I come back with a vengeance in ways. I write now because something happened to me today, something that has made me completely change I want to do things from this point forward.

I'm done being stressed.

Today I was hit with the realization that some of the goals I had set out for this year may not get accomplished. But is that really a bad thing? As if it was supposed to be some sort of requirement to carry on with my life? Not at all, I would think that all shall be well and good, and I can continue on with no regrets that I didn't get everything completely done.

I set out a goal two years ago to get myself into a state of improved health. I accomplished that and continue to do so, a tribute to hard work, dedication and a belief that nothing is impossible. And that has brought me to this point today....

Today I was unsatisfied with how some things had transpired in the previous weeks and that led me to a trip to the bank today to deposit money via Drive-Thru. I had a terrible attitude from the get-go, not being responsive to the teller asking me how I was doing today. She was just being polite, in fact she may very well had been someone who is very bright and was having a great day herself. Of course that mean't nothing to me at the time when I didn't say a single word to her as she went about completing my transaction.

As the transaction came to a close, she kindly apologized to me for the wait she claimed I had endured (I had only waited for a few minutes, nothing NEAR significant), but I had been entrenched in my sulking of the most trivial of things that I didn't acknowledge her as I got my receipt from the container and just drove away.

As I started driving away, I had realized something: Because certain things had not been going my way, I had allowed my emotions and demeanor to affect me in the way that I normally communicate with others. I had become transparent to even the kindest of words that I was disgusted with myself. Why should I be the only one that has a bad day? In fact, why should it be that when I have a bad day that I not only show it to everyone by my body language but also show by a lack of verbal communication? I had lost myself in that tiny instant, because I knew that I had come so far, worked so hard, to let certain events that have occurred within the last few weeks to change the very fabric of who I am as a person.

It was the perspective I constantly exercise in my life regarding others in the world who are dealing with far worse than I that lead me to do something about all of this. So as I was driving I decided to turn around, and I headed back to the bank. I drove back to the drive thru window and spoke with the same teller I had just seen. She had asked me if something was wrong with the transaction, and I told her everything was fine. However...

I apologized to her for being rude and non-responsive when she was simply doing her job. I also told her that even though I was having hard time earlier today, that was no excuse for me to be rude and disrespectful. She told me afterwards that it was very kind and sweet of me to do what I did. She was very happy for that and made her day even more because of what I did. I was happy myself because I righted a wrong. That's not who I am: Rude and disrespectful. I know who I am: Happy, positive, funny and most importantly, respectful. I wished her a good rest of her day and I drove away.

You see, it's not the end of the world if some things you had set out to accomplish didn't go exactly your way to begin with. In fact, it could just be a delay or speed bump. It doesn't completely de-rail you, it just reinforces what you've set out to accomplish. We all have time to do what we've set out to do, but its all about being positive. It's being positive that's helped me redefine my efforts to accomplish my dreams. It's being positive that's helped me gain a wealth of new friends that genuinely care and anticipate seeing me succeed.

In the grand scheme of all things, we should really try to help one another. It doesn't mean to do anything big, because small gestures make big impressions. I want to continue to be who I've wanted to set out in being throughout this transformation. Just wanted to share my experience today and I hope that if anyone reads this, it will make them feel a lot better and remind them things do get better and WILL get better if you keep fighting and working hard for what you want out of life.

I leave you with this to think about.......

If you can walk backwards, talk backwards, and write backwards: Can you think backwards?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Juxtaposing My Clouded Mind With My Vibrant Heart.

     Imagine, if you will, a moment in time where you find yourself teeming with excitement and displeasure, all at the same time. Its as if an anvil came off the top of the Empire State Building, came speeding down and you're bracing a large impact, only to see it hit the ground softly and bounce off of it and lands upright. Yeah I have no idea what the heck I'm talking about also haha

     Yesterday, I got together with some friends of mine: Adrian and Mike they're aptly named, and we began talking about ideas and potential projects for short films, web shorts and whatever else that could fill the cracks. But as we began to start building up some fluid conversation, I began to notice something very interesting about it all: I was starting to see the flaws that have inhabited my body for so long. This is what I noticed in simple, non entertaining bullets (arranged as a courtesy by Blogger lol):
  • I was conjuring up far too many ideas.
  • My lack of focus on one singular thing wasn't allowing me to give the attention a particularly good idea deserved.
  • Allowing others equal time to give their say, or talking over people basically.
     So this was my dilemma essentially, that I wasn't giving my friends, and now my group partners, their say in what ideas or thoughts they had in mind. This is a problem that CAN be corrected, so with that in mind I have strategically put together with the help of some amazing orange gourmet soda:

  • Jot down as many words as I can on paper that's in relation to fish.
  • When brings up a great idea and I want to add to that immediately, before he even finishes the first word, non-chalantly put my fingers on top of my lips as if I'm merely observing.
  • And finally, SHUT THE F*CK UP and let other people talk!!!
     So that's pretty much summing up my issues with last night, but I also understand we all have our own faults and flaws to address. But it doesn't mean those very flaws can also be molded, with the right tools, into great strengths as is. Being mindful of myself around others has always been problem for me, but I've gotten a lot better over the years. I just know that I'm progressing and that at some point, I will be right where I want to be with everything I need. We're down to do some exciting things, that's all I can really say.

     I leave you with this to think about.....

  • Oranges are actually white when they're born, they just use bronzer and they end up like Cheetos.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

If life could be buried, it should be on DVD: Part Two

     I realize that it's been over a year since I've written my first ever blog, and that is a total shame on my part. Consistency, I believe, makes for great results in any aspect of your life. This is no exception. My opportunity to share my thoughts, ideas, feelings and randomness to the world....and I seemingly wasted it with a vast period of procrastination. But no more: I will officially put a stop to that and declare my re-emergence. This is my renaissance, per sé, to all that I will share with the world.

     On my first blog, I wrote about my ambitions which were put onto a list. This list by many is something we have in our minds as things we would like to see done within our lifetime. Of course, mine is a very long one and to put it on my first ever blog would have been potential blogging suicide. Needless to say, I did post a portion of that list but just the ones I felt personally would impact me more in my life than anything else. 

     Now this brings me to the second instalment of this mini discussion: The "Top Ten" itself. I'll re-post that part right now for everyone to understand what I'm talking about since I took so long to write this second blog lol

1. Become the youngest director ever to receive an Academy Award. 
2. Be a good son, brother, and husband.
3. Graduate from one of the top Film Schools in the country with my MFA.
4. Meet the one woman who defines me, and my life.
5. Find a cure for prejudice.
6. Start my own Production Company.
7. Create a program or foundation that allows underprivileged children and young adults to purse the Creative Arts.
8. Design and build my Dream Home.
9. See all my siblings become married.
10. Travel the world towards my Top 10 (London, Tokyo, Australia, Cape Town, Brazil, India, Paris, Beijing, Rome, Egypt)

     I'm going to do my very best and explain my intentions with this "Top Ten" but II warn you all of the potentially random connections that you may encounter. Ok, here we go:

      "The dream I have is crazy, unrelenting and exaggerating for most but I want to become the youngest director ever to receive an Academy Award. Its true that my mind is intent on graduating from one of the best film schools in the country with an MFA in Directing, which would help in achieving that dream. Thereafter, I can finally start my own production company that will in turn proceed with the eventual construction of my "Dream Home". That company and home will be springboard for the not-for-profit- organization I start that will allow underprivileged children and young adults to pursue the creative and performing arts.

     While that all rests within my personal goals, I think beyond myself and would hope that through all of this that I be a good son, brother and eventually a husband. Seeing all siblings get married would be a loving triumph, and of course I hope that my time comes up with the one woman who defines me, and my life, through it all. With all these personal conquests in the books, I still have a gaping hole in heart and soul. That is why I must travel the world, to the likes of London, Tokyo, Australia, Cape Town (South Africa), Brazil, India, Paris, Beijing, Rome and Egypt. From there I want to experience and feel culture around me, and be enhanced by the many melting pots I would see before me. Understanding these very people in these varied regions, I can one day find a cure for the prejudice in the world." 

     It seems tall of a task, but nothing is tall unless of course you are tall yourself. We all talk to ourselves, giving out hints on what we could do next or what we should try out. Nothing is out of reach because your mind is constantly on the move, thus putting the pressure on you to make those moves happen. It really all comes down to your attitude, like I read in a book once, that determines what goals you've set can realistically happen. I talk chimneys and cherries like well wishers on ferries, but no matter what I speak what my heart tells me. I have it written down. Its all there for the taking, the ball is in my court....any other clichéd motivation to get you going, just roll with it. I certainly am, and I'm more excited than I could ever be to make this all happen.

     I want to leave you with a statement, and I will do this after every blog. You might understand what I'm saying....and then you might not. Either way, it probably got your attention.

  • A squirrel and otter are classy. Imagine if they shared a rock....