Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Journey of a Dreamer (Part VII)

Apple. iPhone. Macbook. iPod Touch.

They're somewhat interpreted by me as a sticker for all of the world to scratch and sniff when they think about San Francisco. If you didn't know this already, Apple Inc., whose works include the highly successful line of iPhones, MacBooks and iMacs, their company is based in Cupertino, CA. That's about a 45 minute drive from where I'm at currently.


So you're telling me that I can just grab a car, take a drive in through the valley and find himself at Apple Headquarters? With all the techies and their products? And roaming around campus on a segway to see the newest line of products that everyone is clamoring over for months at a time? Hmmm, sounds to me that they have a problem on their hands. I mean, I could easily just walk in, say hello, tell them my reasons for being there and somehow.....I'm in?


Now I've diverted slightly from what I'm talking about so I'll get back on point. My point is, in this city alone, there are more iPhones in the city of San Francisco than there are cars. Yes that's right, CARS. I would say 1 in 3 people here have an iPhone. And then I'd say 1 in 5 people have a Macbook of some sort (White Original, Air or Pro). I'm pretty happy to say that I'm one of those people for both things. I mean they provide such a convenience for what I'm trying to do here in the city, whether it be for school or for my production company I'm currently starting up.


I'm really just scratching the surface when it comes to the tech industry not just in The City, but the Bay Area as a whole. Reddit, Airbnb, Yelp, CouchSurfing, FACEBOOK.... TWITTER....GOOGLE?!? They've left an imprint on the culture within the city. If you came to this city to become a programmer of some sort, you honestly could have so many opportunities that you won't know what to do with. I guess in that sense, that's why I've gone ahead myself and started learning about coding and programming to benefit myself in the long run for my production company as well as possibly working for one of the aforementioned companies I've listed.


So in the end, it's not so bad to be in a city where I could find myself seeing Larry Page walking his dog down the street, Mark Zuckerberg drinking coffee in a local café, or Jack Dorsey taking pictures of some random spot in the city for Twitter. That's the beauty of this city, everyone is their own person, no matter how wealthy or not wealthy you are. It's an opportunistic place despite what some may say, it really comes down to being positive, persistent and aggressive. Those types of things don't just come to you overnight, you have to work for it, just like anything else in life really. That's what gives me hope for the coming days because I don't look that far ahead....well except one thing ;)

I guess I'll go Google Search one of my Twitter feeds that includes a Facebook status of mine..on my iPhone.


Peace and Kelp.

-Paulus Singletary

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