Monday, January 7, 2013

The Journey of a Dreamer (Part XI)

Today's blog will be a bit short since it's more of a thank you note or appreciation statement. Within the past few weeks, I've received several text messages, phone calls, facebook messages and such with an overwhelming showing of support for what I'm doing here. It means a lot, it means a WHOLE lot. I cannot thank everyone enough for believing in me and supporting my dream, its moments like these that makes me proud I did what I did and continue to do so.

What I find very humbling more than anything else is the fact that several people that have reached out to me have brought up the notion me "being an inspiration". I Me? An inspiration? I wouldn't say it's something I would have of myself as being. To be quite frank, I had previously believed the opposite and felt I was alone in this adventure to achieve my dreams. No one thinks I can do's a tough business, you'll never get in Paul......California will eat you up and you'll find yourself back in Florida before you know it......I heard these things. They all hurt, but they became part of the collection of chips on my shoulder.

I became consumed with motivation, to prove everyone wrong but most importantly to prove myself wrong. I had fucked up in so many ways, from my elementary school days all the way up to two years ago. I started something but never went completely through with it. Or I would give up. That was the absolute worst looking back on it all. So two years ago, I promised myself that I would never give up on anything, ANYTHING. To go after everything I've wanted and make it happen. And that's what I'm doing now.

I'm utilizing this blog for two things: To show everyone that you can succeed from the ground up in an environment like San Francisco and thrive, and to give people hope and a belief that what they had once perceived as "impossible" is actually possible with hard work, persistence and a good laugh. Cause in the end, what's the point of living if you can't laugh at yourself or your mistakes? Mistakes come and go, a good laugh lasts forever.

So remember, If someone tells you "NO" to something you're wanting to accomplish, just ask yourself: Why not?

Belief is the main ingredient towards self-adventure. Stir accordingly, and let settle until ready to enjoy life.

Peace and Kelp,

-Paulus Singletary

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