Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Journey of a Dreamer (Part X) *End*

I end this ten part mini series of sorts in a rather appropriately fitting fashion. I've had enough time being here in the city to understand that it took the idea of struggling mightily from the get go to appreciate what I had and to finally take initiative in my life. Mind you, I've never lived on my own before until two months ago, so when you literally leave everything you've ever known to go to something that's a bit cloudy and not knowing whether or not you'll succeed is a daunting task. Along the way, I've met countless new faces and characters and it's become a staple of my growth. I've been more and more comfortable with the city as time passed, and I'm that much closer to feeling like a San Franciscan.

It's just a sheer delight to wake up in the morning, go outside, take a walk up the steepest street and have arguably one of the best views you could ever have right there in front of you. And to think that I've been trying to have this view every day for seven years now. Seven LONG years, but it happened. When you're from Florida like I am, you tend to appreciate these moments a lot more when all you normally found yourself surrounded by was flat land and woods spanning beyond the horizon. A change of scenery does a lot to someone's psyche, so me coming out here to a different type of geography is refreshing.

The best part of all of this really is my parents. I've given so much appreciation out there to those that have been a tremendous support in this new chapter in my life, but at some point I need to give my parents their due. At one point, they thought that this idea of moving to California to pursue my dreams of becoming a film director was a crazy one, especially my Dad. He had worked in the film industry and understood the rigors and hardships that can be involved. At different times after he had told me that, I certainly had second thoughts on whether or not I could actually do it and pursue directing. And when you add in all the the mistakes I had accumulated in school which was, at the time, a reflection of my work ethic, my Mom wasn't too sure I could make this happen because if I could BARELY graduate High School and not finish college and drop out, what makes me think I could just move all the way across the country to become a director?

They were all legitimate concerns and looking back on it, I'm glad they brought all of that to my attention. Granted, I didn't always embrace what they had told me at the time because I was being extremely ignorant, I now appreciate it more than ever. If there was ever a time for me to grow up, this was certainly that time. So now here I am, in San Francisco, after four years of being lazy and ineffective and two years of a complete re-transformation of my life, and I proud to say that I am on the right track to be where I'd like to see myself going forward. It's exciting for me to see what the future holds, I'm creating it and I'm paving the way. From here on out, I determine everything that occurs in my life.

I want to finish by giving my parents their due:


Mom and Dad,

Thank you for being the heart and soul of my existence. I know that at times I didn't represent you or the family the way that I should have, but I just want you to know that from this point forward, I will never quit on myself, my goals or my dreams. I will make you both extremely proud although you will tell me that you're already proud of me for doing what I'm doing right now. I will never quit on myself, my goals, or my dreams. I want to be able to one day give you two the vacation you always wanted, and to also be able to travel the world. I am a much better man because of the tough yet extremely warm love you had given me throughout my love and continue to do so today. I will never quit on myself, my goals, or my dreams. I will change the world in some way, shape or form and I will have no one else to thank but you two. I miss and love you both very much.




This journey ends here, reality now begins for me. But the reality is, this begins yet a new journey :)

Peace and Kelp,

-Paulus Singletary

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